I Deserved Cancer.

Cancer brings up emotions that defy logic. They can’t be defended or dissuaded, they have to be felt and slowly evolve. I BLAMED myself for my cancer. Clearly, I wasn’t a GOOD ENOUGH person to NOT get cancer. I must have caused it, maybe even DESERVED it

Photo by DJ Watts

Photo by DJ Watts

The year before I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my mother died of ovarian cancer. I didn’t feel I had done enough, spent enough time with her, prepared enough food for her, loved her hard enough. I was ANGERY that she had cancer and that she died of it. I wasn’t angry at Cancer, I was angry at HER for letting cancer happen.  


At age 6, so proud to be matching my mama. 

At age 6, so proud to be matching my mama. 

Then I was diagnosed with cancer and it felt like Karma for all of these unspoken and unspeakable feelings. My anger, blame, and guilt towards my mother and especially towards myself- were eating me alive. 

So I let cancer HEAL me. Cancer became penance. Penance for what I failed to do, for my feelings, for my thoughts. Cancer gave me insight into my mother’s pain. It did not break us apart but instead it brought us together, even after her death. 

The place where my mothers ashes were scattered. 

The place where my mothers ashes were scattered. 


Chemo became my temple and I became a monk. It allowed me the chance to dig deep with in and be stripped. Cancer taught me a priceless lesson that my mother tried desperately to teach me during her life- External Beauty holds no TRUE value. I didn’t understand why she pushed so hard against my desire to be PRETTY until I watched every copper strand of hair, both perky breasts, my endless lashes, and boundless energy abandon me in a blink of an eye. I couldn’t fully grasp how VALUABLE I was beyond my physical body until it was stripped down to it’s essence. 

“[I] put value in an asset with diminishing returns, and [Cancer] made sure all of it burned”.

©Andres Hernandez 2015 Shot in the middle of chemo. 

©Andres Hernandez 2015 Shot in the middle of chemo. 

We don’t deserve “bad” or “good” things in life. Life is neutral. Events Happen. People get sick. People Die. Not because they were good or bad or DESERVED it, but because that is LIFE. We can’t control the things that happen but by accepting events as they are, we can swim across them with greater ease because we are not being dragged under by their weight. 

We are all Divine because we come from the DIVINE, We are all Extraordinary because we come from the EXTRAORDINARY, we are all Love because we all come from LOVE. We lack for nothing because everything we need was given to us the moment we divided from that first cell.

Just because my body was broken it didn’t make ME a broken person. I didn't deserve cancer and I don't deserve health because the word "DESERVE", just like external beauty, holds no true value. 

Cancer gave me more than it took and healed me in places I could never reach. It helped me heal my relationship with my mother, to forgive her and to finally FORGIVE myself. 


Did Cancer give you a gift you never expected? What was it? Comment below. 


If you would like to help us make the docudramedy based on my one woman show, "I Don't Have Cancer", please donate to our Go Fund Me

Top 5 Weird Reasons I LOVE My Mastectomy

Getting your tits cut off sucks but so does getting Breast Cancer. Having lost my mother to cancer and being BRCA 1 positive, I decided to preventatively remove my breasts, then three days before my appointment I got the call...I had breast cancer. The little scoundrels got me before I could get them. I was angry, petrified, shocked, and completely numb. Instead of punishing my boobs, I decided to savored our last few weeks together, got them photographed, dressed them up, took them on a topless field trip to the beach. 

I can forever mourn what I "LOST", be miserable, feel scared, feel less than a woman or I can move on by embracing the NEW me. I had a skin sparing double mastectomy. My nipples are gone and in their place are four inch horizontal scars that run across each breast. Under the pects are two implants that are held up by cadaver muscle. But to my surprise, the new boobs have some amazing bonuses. Here are my TOP 5:

5. Facebook and Instagram can’t hold me back.

For Halloween, a week after my double mastectomy, I posted a topless photo of me dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein. No Nipples meant that Facebook and Instagram couldn’t censor the photo. #FreeTheNipples had a whole new meaning for me.



4. I can go topless without being arrested.

I haven't taken full advantage of this one yet, but I have gone to the beach topless. It is a strange power knowing that you can walk down any street without a shirt. In South Florida you see a lot of women in string bikinis that barely cover their nipples. I don't have nipples. By deductive reasoning that means I don't have anything to cover up. FREEDOM! 



3. Googly Eye Boob Puppets.

Googly eyes makes everything better and when added to my boobs, instant puppets. The four inch scars are turned into sassy little smirks. I call them the Twins. (Watch them talk in the Video)


2. Expanders are magnetic.

Yes, Magnetic!!! This is a special one just for the ladies with expanders in. The port in the expander is magnetic so the doctor can fill them while they are under the skin but it also means I can attach fridge magnets to them. Great party trick.


1. Light up Titties.

This has become my all time favorite. I show everyone, strangers, my husband's new co-workers, the entire audience at my one woman show. Take a flashlight and place it up against the skin of the boobs and BAM!!! Remember the 1980’s toy, Glow Worm? Those are now my titties. Watch the whole thing in my YouTube Video.


Oh, and the extra bonus…I lowered the risk of a reoccurrence of Breast Cancer. What do you love about your mastectomy? Write it in the comments below!


Do you like my boobs? I have to give credit to my doctors. Dr. Eli Avisar at UM did the skin sparing mastectomy and Dr. Christopher low at vapsfl.com, was my outstanding reconstructive surgeon.

It's CANCER...The Phone Call.

We are going to magically travel back in time and witness the exact moment I found out I had CANCER. Wanting to openly and honestly share the process of getting a preventative mastectomy, I filmed the phone call from my doctor -not knowing the outcome- and I am grateful I did. A life changing moment captured in all it’s overwhelmingly raw glory. It is one of those events you play over and over in your head, making it worse and worse until it eventually warps into a soul-crushing feeling of anxiety and fear. 


The moment I heard CANCER, the rest of the conversations felt as if I was talking to the teacher from Peanuts, Wha Wha Whaaaa. Two days later, I sat down and watched it, watched my former self crumble before my eyes. Then I stepped back and started editing it- becoming the observer- and everything changed. What I remembered and what I saw were not accurate and when I simply listened to what was said, it wasn’t as devastating as my mind made it out to be. 

Nine months later -cancer free- I want to share this video again but this time knowing how this chapter of my life ends. Knowing every character and plot twist and realizing that the waiting, the unknown, and my own MIND were the most painful parts. 

Here are the Cliffs Notes:

If you are so inspired, you can donate to help make the "I Don't Have Cancer" Documentary. http://www.gofundme.com/MyBreastChoice